#RPGaDAY2024 Day 18

#RPGaDAY2024 Day 18

Day 18 Main Prompt: Memorable Moment of Play

I was fortunate enough to have Ray Otus play in a session of Barbarians of Lemuria. He was running a sorcerer and during the adventure he found some hair from the big bad on a hair brush as they searched his tower. Ray was planning on using that to help power a spell to have the big bad’s long, luscious beard choke him into submission! Sadly for Ray’s sorcerer another player killed the big bad before he could cast that spell but the ideal of being choked by one’s own beard has remained in my mind ever since.

Day 18 Alternate Prompt: Curse and my d10 roll is a 9, Write An Eavedroppable Dialogue

“I can’t understand it, no matter how much I eat I seem to be getting thinner. I have been tested for tape worms and and for cancer but my doctor can find no reason for it. I understand you practice, alternative medicines and I am desperate. By the way this tea is delicious!”

“You came to the right place, oh yes, here give me your cup, it holds the secret to your problem. Oh my, you see this pattern at the bottom? You managed to anger a powerful practitioner of the dark arts, you my friend are under a curse!”

“A curse? That’s outrageous, what do suggest I do?

“You must find the one that cursed you and either get them to reverse the curse or kill them before the curse kills you. I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news. You know for a price I may be able to help divine who has cursed you…”

That’s all for today, until tomorrow be excellent to each other!

August is #RPGaDay2024 and I am going to posting daily responses to the prompts. You can find more information about #RPGaDAY2024 here: https://www.autocratik.com/2024/07/announcing-rpgaday2024-for-august.html

There are two sets of prompts this year and since I have room to do so on the blog I will answer both. In episode S2E6 of my podcast titled RPGaDAY2024 Panel Discussion I assemble an esteemed panel and we go through the main prompts for the entire month’s so I will try to give different answers here on the blog but may end up repeating myself occasionally.  

On their podcast Mirke the Meek suggested using the alternate prompts to create a setting and that is a great idea so I’m going to steal that. The setting I am going to craft for this month will be a modern, conspiracy style setting. Nominally I think we’ll set it in the 1970’s to avoid the problems cell phones and the internet can cause if player characters have access to them.

Here are the main prompts:

And here are a set of alternative prompts suggested by Skala Wyzwania, look at the day on the left, pick the theme, then roll d10. 

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