Meet the party

Meet the party

Let’s meet our brave adventurers! I am using the eighth printing of Dungeon Crawl Classics for this initial game and rolled up sixteen 0 level volunteers to rescue Princess Arelina. I have made the conscious decision to try and do everything manually and by the book but I highly recommend you check out The Crawler’s Companion over at Purple Sorcerer Games. It is the premier web app for playing DCC and really speeds up play. Here is a link:

I decided to make them all lawful. Aside from one halfling they are all human and pretty average humans at that. We do have a mix a careers: Woodcutter, Ditch Digger, Healer, Beekeeper, Potato Farmer, Gongfarmer, Guild Beggar, Cheesemaker, Ostler, Herbalist, Rice Farmer, Halfling Glovemaker, Tax Collector, Shaman, Butcher, and Cooper.

Here they are:

I haven’t bothered naming them, I’ll just refer to them by their occupation until they level up. I’ll explain any rulings I make as the campaign goes on.

That’s all for now, I’ll be back next week with another post. As always remember the words of the great ones, be excellent to each other!

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